Walls are an important part of the protective shell that encompasses your business. Important for two reasons. First and foremost, like the roof, your walls protect your investment from the harsh elements of nature. Secondly, but just as important, is the aesthetic appearance that draws your customers in and lets them know that the quality you infuse into your business is so ingrained, that it shows in the appearance of your building as well inside & out.
If you have a cinder block wall (CMU, which means Cementitious Masonry Unit, or like cement), it is very important that the block is properly sealed. Improperly protected, it acts like a sponge and will hold water. You may have noticed wet patches on the inside of the walls after a rain. It may even leave puddles on the floor. This is water passing right through the wall into your building. The exterior wall should be pinhole free. Exterior paint will not waterproof your wall. It's too thin. A combination of block fillers and elastomeric coating is required to waterproof your wall.
Stucco walls (EFIS, Exterior Insulated Finish System) are similar to CMU. When installed, they are water resistant. Over time though, through expansion & contraction, they become more porous. Again, exterior paint will not waterproof your wall. A combination of block fillers and elastomeric coating is required to provide a waterproof surface.
Metal walls are in a category of their own. At the time of manufacture, they protect the metal with several things that are resistant to painting. Kynar is a special enamel coating that is very hard and non-porous. It acts kind of like teflon. It's hard to get anything to stick to it. If you paint over Kynar, the paint will likely peel in a short time. Kynar must be chemically etched before it can accept a coating. Many manufacturers will add a heavy wax coating over the finished product to help protect the finish from scratches. Over time, the wax layer will wear off, but some areas may never wear. Specifically, the areas high under the eaves are shaded from the elements. This wax coating must be removed or the paint will peel. Galvanized or Galvalume coatings are added at manufacture to help prevent the metal from rusting. Over time, this coating wears thin where it is exposed to the elements and will begin to rust. The rust needs to be chemically treated or it will continue to spread. The areas that have not worn away need to be prepared properly to accept a new coating that will stick.
Tanks are another story. They can contain
just about any chemical in the world. Knowing what goes into the tank is
important to determining what type of coating will go on the inside or outside
of the tank. The possibilities are too numerous to mention here, but rest
assured, we know how to protect your tank and it's contents properly and at the
lowest cost to your budget.