Our primary goal at Werner General Contracting is to balance the best solution for your roof, wall, or flooring, or whatever else we do for you with what your wallet can afford. Our focus isn't to maximize our profit, but to save you money and help you grow your business. We will not only save you money, we can also improve your working environment. In many cases, there are payback benefits that will far exceed cost of the installation, making the project a favorable impact on your bottom line. Please look around. This is an excellent way to educate yourself in getting the most out of your building. If you have any questions, we will gladly try to answer them for you. Just call or email us.
Depreciate or Expense your next project
You decide what's your best tax advantage
Coating a roof by definition is the application of a fluid applied waterproof membrane. This offers the same protection as installing a single-ply roof or just about any other roof, only it costs a lot less. Fluid applied coatings are considered a maintenance item, and therefore are not treated as a "roof" by building code definitions or by the IRS. Even if your building already has two roofs, you can coat it indefinitely without the expensive cost of a tear off. Many companies treat the coating of a roof as a maintenance expense, realizing the cost as a full deduction this year reducing taxable income, instead of amortizing the cost through depreciation over 39 years that a new roof would require. We are not replacing your roof, etc., just protecting and maintaining what you currently have. Depreciate or expense, you choose which way is best for you.
If you are having difficulty getting a loan for the entire project, or would just like to handle it in the most financially desirable way possible, consider this: We can help you with the financing and help you on your taxes too! We will enter into a maintenance contract with you. We will receive a modest down payment and then spread the remainder in monthly payments over the next ten years. In turn, we will bring your roof up to a serviceable leak free level. Then, about every six months, we will inspect your roof and look for any deficiencies. We will then correct them if we find any at no additional cost to you. We also include a 24 hour response time if you do experience a leak. We will do this for a total of 12 years. Yes, the last two years are free of any payments. What is great about this is you do not have to come out of pocket for the whole amount, AND you can deduct all of the payments in the year you pay them as full deductible expense for tax purposes. NO DEPRECIATION! LOWER TAXES! If this interests you, call us now! 470..241..9459Mark Werner, CEO